The main window is separated on several areas. In the right side
are data input fields. Required data is:
- animal breed
- ear mark
- animal age, in months
- cattle-shed
- farm – there may be several farms with one owner
Cattle breed are entered in advanced, in articles section
and are viewable in drop-down menu. In program status bar
the user can see measured kilograms, single price, total
price and current datetime. When note is printed, on the
note there is all data, including prices. The price can
be entered through the scale automatically or through keyboard
for every breed.
Notes are with auto-increment number, starting from 1 in the beginning.
In the left side of the screen there are two areas. In the upper in tabular view are shown all registered measures
to this moment. In the lower area are shown all statistical data for animals. This is
summary data for every breed, which can be also printed on different note.
A measurement can be register either with printing or not - it is operator's choice.
This program has very detailed reports for all criteria
- i.e. breeds, fodders, cattle-shed, farm, general report.
Reports are always from date to date and combined with desired
criteria. Reports can be printed or exported to MS Excel.
There are four access levels for user - Admin, Supervisor,
Reporter, Operator. Each level gives different access and
possibilities to the user and the lower access level is